Showing posts with label women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women. Show all posts

Nutella S'more Dip

As I was scrolling through Instagram, I noticed a newer follower, who had the most amazing photo of "Nutella S'more Dip" on her feed. Obviously, I had to ask for the recipe to share with you all! She was so kind to find it and I'm posting it for those who have that sweet tooth. This is a great thing to make if you aren't near a fire or want to create a tasty treat right in the comfort of your RV or home.

Nutella S'more Dip

Thanks to My Recipes & @mountainmarty on Instagram for the recipe!

1 Cup of Nutella
1 Cup of Chocolate Chips
1 Tablespoon of Butter
1 Box of Marshmallows
1 Box of Graham Crackers


Preheat oven to 450°F. Heat an oven safe skillet (preferably cast iron) on medium-high. Add butter and swirl to coat. Remove skillet from heat and add Nutella to form an even layer. Add chocolate chips. Layer with marshmallows until the mixture is completely covered. Bake at 450°F for 4-5 minutes, or until marshmallows are golden brown. Serve with graham crackers.


WZZM 13 New's Segment

I had an amazing time out in beautiful Grand Haven, MI. It was a blast showing these ladies this Holiday Rambler.
Click the link below to tune in!

Watch Now: 

RV Like A Girl Approved RV Games

I've picked out the top yard games that are Family Friendly and RV Like A Girl approved.

There are times when being stuck inside when it's raining out can get old, after you play the same game over and over.

These games are ones you may even have at home and play in your backyard. They are perfect to enjoy out in the sunshine...gather the ladies and kick off your Girl's Glamping trip now!

These games are all easy and compact and you can store it in your RV storage compartments!


This game is a classic and most people can catch on to this game pretty fast. If you have never seen this before or want to learn how to play, click and watch! 
Add this game to your list to play this Summer.



This is a fun and competitive game. It takes skill and practice. Did you see the new Illuminate edition? You can play this game in the dark at night with your friends too!
The Veurinks' RV staff LOVE this game.



The classic corn hole is always a good idea. This one is fun to gather your friends around your RV site and play the afternoon away. They always make some fun patterns or themes to fit you and your liking!


This is a new game on the market. You may have seen it on Shark Tank! This looks like one that is great for the competitive ones out there. Pack it up and take it wherever you go.

Here is how you play: 


I don't know about you, but I have a little competitiveness in me. These games are a fun way to spend time with those you love or are entertaining for the weekend.


Fixer Upper: RV Renos

It's time for another RV Reno Inspo for you all! If you know me, I love all things decor. I could spend days in Hobby Lobby or any home decor place. I also like spending other people's money, to decorate for them! Yes, let's be real, it's kind've an obsession.

 I tracked down some of my favorite RV Renos that caught my eye...mainly because these RV owners have similar taste and design style as I do. If you just love and are inspired by other forms of design, whether it is a graphic design piece, home decor, or even a spread in a fashion magazine...these RV Renos are inspiring and just as fun to see and gather some inspiration!

I found a few that didn't have original blogs or owners attached to the photo. So, I can't provide information on who, what, where, on some of these images.


1. Minimal Mindset
I named this RV Minimal Mindset, because it has an all white, neutral, and delicate appeal. I love the neutral colors, accented with the contrast of darker elements. 

The owners of this RV are named Blaise and Cassandra! Love their style.

You can check out a tour here at this link: Minimal Mindset


 2. Cozy Chic
This just screams all sorts of cozy! I could take a nice nap on that couch and read a book. That table looks inviting to have a nice breakfast in the morning. I love the crisp white, with the colorful and complimentary colored accents. It really provides a warm and inviting feel!

I couldn't find the original owner of this photo or RV :( Help! 


3. Airstream Luxe
I believe this one was an airstream that was renovated. Once again, I couldn't find the owners of this RV or photo. I love the chic, yet minimal feel to this scene. I could see this being a fabulous place to do a photoshoot, have a girl's night, or enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning.

Well, until next time! If you come across any fabulous RV Renos, send them to me! I always enjoy coming across other RVers being able to do a Fixer Upper RV Reno.


RV Lifestyle: Scentsy RV Decor

Hey RVers!

If you follow me on Instagram (@RVLikeAGirl,) I recently did a Insta snap story and showed you the CUTEST piece of home decor. My mom had received this adorable RV Scentsy warmer from a recent RV business trip. I was going to show you the finished product, when she was finished painting it to match her personal home decor. I will do that in the next week or so :) It turned out so cute!

Here is the link to purchase this. If you personally know a Scentsy Independent Distributor, you can ask them to track it down for you. Otherwise, you can go ahead and purchase it from Christina Osburn's store link! Hers was the first one that popped up when I researched it.

These are great gift ideas or to spruce up your RV or home. This is a perfect excuse to express your love for the RV Lifestyle too! 

Stay tuned to see photos of my mom's finished product! She painted the red part one of my favorite colors!

RV Cooking: Blueberry + Peach Crisp

"The best of both worlds in one bite!"

Have you ever wondered what it tastes like, to have that fresh homegrown Peach and Blueberry combo?

Well, let me tell you....it is the best of both worlds in one bite!

This is something so easy, you will want to whip up right as you are reading this. You most definitely can cook this in your RV...I know the whole campground will be at your place!

We purchased our fresh peaches 
down the road, at our local peach orchard. 
It is called Summer Sweet Peach Orchard...we make weekly stops there! 

Our blueberries are from Grand Haven. We love Reenders Blueberry Farms. We also make weekly visits there...it's kind of embarrassing. Yes, we buy the 10 pounders! Great for baking and taking a handful and eating.

Peach and Blueberry Crisp
Thank you for this DELICIOUS recipe!

Serves 8

For Fruit:
4 cups fresh peaches, peeled and sliced
1 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 1/2 TBSP cornstarch

For Topping:
6 TBSP butter, melted
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon

1.  Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
2.  In a medium bowl mix together peaches, blueberries, sugar and cornstarch.
3.  Pour fruit into a 7x 10 or 8x8 baking dish.
4.  In the same bowl mix together flour, brown sugar, granulated sugar and cinnamon.
5.  Add in melted butter and mix with a fork.  Mixture will not be completely wet, but more sandy.
6.  Take a handful of topping and press together with your hand.  It should clump up.
7.  Sprinkle mixture over the fruit.  Leave some larger clumps so it stays crispier while baking.
8.  Bake for 30-35 minutes or until topping is lightly golden brown and fruit is bubbling.

9.  Cool for about 15 minutes before serving.  Serve with fresh whipped cream.

My mom and I used a regular oven and noticed it had to be in a little longer than the suggested time. But, as always, it is important to always keep an eye on your food so it doesn't overcook (I am still working on this minor factor when I cook!!)

Keep in mind the different settings if you are using a convection oven. You will just want to keep an extra eye on it and it may need to be less time or maybe longer.

  V o i l a

Enjoy, Glampers!
Another easy recipe to add to your RV Cookbook.


#RVLikeAGirl I got a YouTube Channel, Subscribe?

Great News! I've just started a new YouTube Channel so I can share amazing RV Destinations & Experiences, Recipes, Travel Tips etc...

I would love it if you'd SUBSCRIBE to see some great #RVLikeAGirl Video Content!