Showing posts with label smores. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smores. Show all posts

Nutella S'more Dip

As I was scrolling through Instagram, I noticed a newer follower, who had the most amazing photo of "Nutella S'more Dip" on her feed. Obviously, I had to ask for the recipe to share with you all! She was so kind to find it and I'm posting it for those who have that sweet tooth. This is a great thing to make if you aren't near a fire or want to create a tasty treat right in the comfort of your RV or home.

Nutella S'more Dip

Thanks to My Recipes & @mountainmarty on Instagram for the recipe!

1 Cup of Nutella
1 Cup of Chocolate Chips
1 Tablespoon of Butter
1 Box of Marshmallows
1 Box of Graham Crackers


Preheat oven to 450°F. Heat an oven safe skillet (preferably cast iron) on medium-high. Add butter and swirl to coat. Remove skillet from heat and add Nutella to form an even layer. Add chocolate chips. Layer with marshmallows until the mixture is completely covered. Bake at 450°F for 4-5 minutes, or until marshmallows are golden brown. Serve with graham crackers.


Summer S'mores!

You can't have a campfire without making a S'more, right? My Dad roasts the best marshmallows! I'm a fan of golden brown marshmallows and then burn it right at the end.

If you are ever in my family's RV Dealership, Veurinks' RV Center, make sure you grab on of our S'more Recipe cards to spice up the classic S'more. Strawberries, mint, caramel, fruit...the options are endless!

What would you put on this S'more that my Dad made? 


Spring RV Snack Ideas

Who else loves the Spring and Summer foods? I love all the fruits that are in season during these months. I also like the veggies, fresh salads, and anything and everything cooked on the grill!

Here are a few tasty food ideas to remember as you may be going on your first RV trip of the season.

Let's take a moment and thank Pinterest and these bloggers. I get all my ideas from them!

Veggie Loaded 7 Layer Dip

Excuse me, while I just got back from a trip to Guatemala. This looks like something we would have! Ahhh, I love the veggies and Mexican elements mixed in! Dip chips, throw on salads, or eat alone.


I'm smoothie obsessed. I love throwing in fruits and different ingredients to make a healthier snack or meal option! Thanks Williams Sonoma.

Apple Spinach Salad

I've been making this salad non stop lately, but I use strawberries instead of apples to switch it up! So good and fresh tasting. This is a great lunch or even quick snack option...loaded with all the veggies! I also throw some fresh avocado on it too!

I'm ending it with this last camping sweet treat...

RITZ Peanut Butter S'mores

Seriously. Melt in your mouth. Try this one next time you're around the campfire!

Happy RV Season!

RV Like A Girl | Spiced Up S'mores

When you RV Like A Girl...you do things a little out of the ordinary. You have the rustic camping option, but you also have the glam side of camping...which is what I prefer! 

I like to take a drab concept and create something "out of the box" with it. S'mores are a "normal menu item" while RVing...so let's spice it up a bit!

I know anyone can have a classic s'more over the fire. However, when you RV Like A Girl...you must get creative on how you present a s'more to your fellow RVers. I found a few cute ideas to recreating the classic s'more, but with a twist! 

These ideas are so creative if you happen to be throwing a party or need a fun party favor. I think packaging is everything, and regardless of what you are doing with a s'more...it's always fun to present it in a cute way. I've listed the blog links so you can have easy access to these fabulous bloggers or sites.

How cute is this from Spaceships & Laserbeams? I love the twist on the s'more transformed into a cupcake. There may be times you are entertaining your guests while RVing...but it is RAINING outside. Bummer. This is your backup plan! Make sure you stock your RV pantry and get your oven ready to use!


Let's thank Ciera Design for this SIMPLE, yet trendy way to display and recreate the classic s'more! This is a cute way to make your guests extra special at a party. These are fun little s'more pops.


Of course, The Knot always has the cutest ideas. Are you looking for a unique way to send your wedding gifts home with something memorable...and tasty? I love this idea! 


Wedding O Mania has a great idea for any type of party...not just for a wedding! I think it is a cute way to play up the s'more and RVing theme, with the little details that make it a unique experience. These are the cutest party favors! If you are entertaining guests while you are out RVing, these is a cool way to present it to them.


So, for your next Birthday party you have to throw for the RVer in your life...play it up with S'mores! Forget the traditional cakes and start that bonfire and do some roasting over that open fire.

Which one will you make?

Happy RVing!


RV Cooking: Fresh Off the Grid

The neat thing about RVing is that you have the option to cook over the fire or in your RV. It's fun to get down and dirty and cook over that open fire. The fresh smell of wood burning and top it off with the smell of the delicious meal or dessert you are cooking.

I came across this wonderful resource called Fresh Off the Grid!
If you prefer more open fire cooking, this is your go to. I think it's fun to switch it up and step outside the luxuries of your RV and have an open fire experience. There are no rules when cooking, while RVing! 

These two have made it more convenient for you and I. I like that they made this resource in a way, where you could customize and use these recipes within the RV Lifestyle too. You could still make these items in your fabulous oven in your RV! Once again, there are no rules when RVing.

I've chosen homemade pizzas and a delicious s'more for you! Quick, easy, tasty, and the kids can get involved. How have I not tried a s'more with fresh berries in it? 

Fresh Off the Grid...you are genius.


Mini pizzas are a great go-to for dinner while RVing. Add whatever toppings you want and you're good to go! Click the link below for the recipe.

Photo Credit: FOTG

Complete Recipe: Campfire Pizza


Finish off the pizza with a tasty treat!

Photo Credit: FOTG

Complete Recipe: Hazelnut Marionberry S'more

There you have it. A simple meal for tonight. Accompany these items with some fresh fruit, a nice drink, and enjoy that RV Lifestyle.


RV Cooking: DIY S'mores Bar

Bonfires are taking place, whether at home or while you're enjoying the great outdoors outside of your RV. You can't have a fire without making a s'more. That's just my personal take on campfires!

Here's a fun party idea or a way to have some fun with your friends at the RV park. You can create your own S'mores menu and bar! This is a great opportunity to entertain and enjoy each other's company around a fire.


Mix it up 
A N D 
customize it 
to your 

Smores... Be fun for a gathering of friends and family around the bonfire or firepit! Summer time nights.

You could have a bar of all the different ingredients, while your guests can create their own.

Thank you to bevandcuisine.com for this idea!

Which one are you going to make?! The Nutty Buddy is calling my name!

RV Lifestyle: Scentsy RV Decor

Hey RVers!

If you follow me on Instagram (@RVLikeAGirl,) I recently did a Insta snap story and showed you the CUTEST piece of home decor. My mom had received this adorable RV Scentsy warmer from a recent RV business trip. I was going to show you the finished product, when she was finished painting it to match her personal home decor. I will do that in the next week or so :) It turned out so cute!

Here is the link to purchase this. If you personally know a Scentsy Independent Distributor, you can ask them to track it down for you. Otherwise, you can go ahead and purchase it from Christina Osburn's store link! Hers was the first one that popped up when I researched it.

These are great gift ideas or to spruce up your RV or home. This is a perfect excuse to express your love for the RV Lifestyle too! 

Stay tuned to see photos of my mom's finished product! She painted the red part one of my favorite colors!

RV Cooking: Blueberry + Peach Crisp

"The best of both worlds in one bite!"

Have you ever wondered what it tastes like, to have that fresh homegrown Peach and Blueberry combo?

Well, let me tell you....it is the best of both worlds in one bite!

This is something so easy, you will want to whip up right as you are reading this. You most definitely can cook this in your RV...I know the whole campground will be at your place!

We purchased our fresh peaches 
down the road, at our local peach orchard. 
It is called Summer Sweet Peach Orchard...we make weekly stops there! 

Our blueberries are from Grand Haven. We love Reenders Blueberry Farms. We also make weekly visits there...it's kind of embarrassing. Yes, we buy the 10 pounders! Great for baking and taking a handful and eating.

Peach and Blueberry Crisp
Thank you for this DELICIOUS recipe!

Serves 8

For Fruit:
4 cups fresh peaches, peeled and sliced
1 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 1/2 TBSP cornstarch

For Topping:
6 TBSP butter, melted
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon

1.  Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
2.  In a medium bowl mix together peaches, blueberries, sugar and cornstarch.
3.  Pour fruit into a 7x 10 or 8x8 baking dish.
4.  In the same bowl mix together flour, brown sugar, granulated sugar and cinnamon.
5.  Add in melted butter and mix with a fork.  Mixture will not be completely wet, but more sandy.
6.  Take a handful of topping and press together with your hand.  It should clump up.
7.  Sprinkle mixture over the fruit.  Leave some larger clumps so it stays crispier while baking.
8.  Bake for 30-35 minutes or until topping is lightly golden brown and fruit is bubbling.

9.  Cool for about 15 minutes before serving.  Serve with fresh whipped cream.

My mom and I used a regular oven and noticed it had to be in a little longer than the suggested time. But, as always, it is important to always keep an eye on your food so it doesn't overcook (I am still working on this minor factor when I cook!!)

Keep in mind the different settings if you are using a convection oven. You will just want to keep an extra eye on it and it may need to be less time or maybe longer.

  V o i l a

Enjoy, Glampers!
Another easy recipe to add to your RV Cookbook.


RV With A "Sweet Tooth!"

There's nothing like a Michigan Summer.
Warm weather, fresh fruit and the smell of campfires cracklin' away!
That smells like RV Season to me....

Question for you ladies.....

Who has a 
sweet tooth?!

Let me answer that. 
I do!

Do you want to get creative this RV Season with some fun campfire dessert recipes? 
These caught my eye on Pinterest!

Thank you to Double the Batch for these DELICIOUS ideas. 

Oh, RVing just got tastier...

Nothing better than camping desserts! Pinning this for my next camping trip! #DoubletheBatch:
Photo Credit: Double the Batch Blog

Click on the blog link above to add these campfire ideas to your RV Season "to-do" list.

Xo, RV Like A Girl