Showing posts with label glamping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glamping. Show all posts

Mosquito Mason Jar DIY

I don't know about you, but I get bit up so bad while RVing. It doesn't matter how many layers of bug spray or clothes I put on, they love to attack me.

I love DIY projects and using more natural products when I can. I've recently joined the Essential Oils fan club and love using them for a lot of different purposes.

I came across Simple Most and found this neat DIY idea. Not to mention, it's so cute!


The ingredients are simple and won't break the bank. I love Young Living Essential Oils. If you need some oils, I have a few friends that can help you out.


4 mason jars (or old pasta sauce or jelly jars)
40 drops – Cedarwood, Lavender, Lemon and Thieves essential oils (or use your own combination of oils but these are known to help to repel the buggies)
2 fresh lemons
2 fresh limes
8 sprigs fresh rosemary
Floating tea light candles

These are so cute and will do the trick. I can't wait to make one of these. 
Thanks Simple Most for this cute and creative idea!


Get connected with RV Like A Girl:

Instagram: @RVLikeAGirl
Facebook: RV Like A Girl

RV Like A Girl Approved RV Games

I've picked out the top yard games that are Family Friendly and RV Like A Girl approved.

There are times when being stuck inside when it's raining out can get old, after you play the same game over and over.

These games are ones you may even have at home and play in your backyard. They are perfect to enjoy out in the sunshine...gather the ladies and kick off your Girl's Glamping trip now!

These games are all easy and compact and you can store it in your RV storage compartments!


This game is a classic and most people can catch on to this game pretty fast. If you have never seen this before or want to learn how to play, click and watch! 
Add this game to your list to play this Summer.



This is a fun and competitive game. It takes skill and practice. Did you see the new Illuminate edition? You can play this game in the dark at night with your friends too!
The Veurinks' RV staff LOVE this game.



The classic corn hole is always a good idea. This one is fun to gather your friends around your RV site and play the afternoon away. They always make some fun patterns or themes to fit you and your liking!


This is a new game on the market. You may have seen it on Shark Tank! This looks like one that is great for the competitive ones out there. Pack it up and take it wherever you go.

Here is how you play: 


I don't know about you, but I have a little competitiveness in me. These games are a fun way to spend time with those you love or are entertaining for the weekend.


Spring RV Snack Ideas

Who else loves the Spring and Summer foods? I love all the fruits that are in season during these months. I also like the veggies, fresh salads, and anything and everything cooked on the grill!

Here are a few tasty food ideas to remember as you may be going on your first RV trip of the season.

Let's take a moment and thank Pinterest and these bloggers. I get all my ideas from them!

Veggie Loaded 7 Layer Dip

Excuse me, while I just got back from a trip to Guatemala. This looks like something we would have! Ahhh, I love the veggies and Mexican elements mixed in! Dip chips, throw on salads, or eat alone.


I'm smoothie obsessed. I love throwing in fruits and different ingredients to make a healthier snack or meal option! Thanks Williams Sonoma.

Apple Spinach Salad

I've been making this salad non stop lately, but I use strawberries instead of apples to switch it up! So good and fresh tasting. This is a great lunch or even quick snack option...loaded with all the veggies! I also throw some fresh avocado on it too!

I'm ending it with this last camping sweet treat...

RITZ Peanut Butter S'mores

Seriously. Melt in your mouth. Try this one next time you're around the campfire!

Happy RV Season!

Fixer Upper: RV Renos

It's time for another RV Reno Inspo for you all! If you know me, I love all things decor. I could spend days in Hobby Lobby or any home decor place. I also like spending other people's money, to decorate for them! Yes, let's be real, it's kind've an obsession.

 I tracked down some of my favorite RV Renos that caught my eye...mainly because these RV owners have similar taste and design style as I do. If you just love and are inspired by other forms of design, whether it is a graphic design piece, home decor, or even a spread in a fashion magazine...these RV Renos are inspiring and just as fun to see and gather some inspiration!

I found a few that didn't have original blogs or owners attached to the photo. So, I can't provide information on who, what, where, on some of these images.


1. Minimal Mindset
I named this RV Minimal Mindset, because it has an all white, neutral, and delicate appeal. I love the neutral colors, accented with the contrast of darker elements. 

The owners of this RV are named Blaise and Cassandra! Love their style.

You can check out a tour here at this link: Minimal Mindset


 2. Cozy Chic
This just screams all sorts of cozy! I could take a nice nap on that couch and read a book. That table looks inviting to have a nice breakfast in the morning. I love the crisp white, with the colorful and complimentary colored accents. It really provides a warm and inviting feel!

I couldn't find the original owner of this photo or RV :( Help! 


3. Airstream Luxe
I believe this one was an airstream that was renovated. Once again, I couldn't find the owners of this RV or photo. I love the chic, yet minimal feel to this scene. I could see this being a fabulous place to do a photoshoot, have a girl's night, or enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning.

Well, until next time! If you come across any fabulous RV Renos, send them to me! I always enjoy coming across other RVers being able to do a Fixer Upper RV Reno.


RV Lifestyler: Emily | ownlessdomore

Name: Emily and Tim Rohrer, OwnLessDoMore.us

Occupation: Emily does the blogging and social media stuff; Tim is a retired naval officer

Photo taken at Heartland HQ in Elkhart, Indiana, June 2016.

When was the RV Lifestyle first introduced to you?
About 5 years ago, we rented an RV for a family vacation with our sons, who were then still in high school. After many tent camping adventures, we realized it’s a great alternative! But we still keep all the tent camping stuff in our RV “basement.” We like having options.

Do you RV as a hobby or Full-Time?
If Full-Time, how did you know it was time to “full time it?”  

We started full-timing a little over a year ago, after about a year of downsizing and preparation. Our baby flew the nest, and we knew we didn’t want to stay in our big, empty-feeling suburban house. We also knew we had no clue where we wanted to live next (turns out it’s a really difficult decision when the military no longer makes it for you), so we are traveling around the country, trying to find home.  
At 47 and 50, we are older than some full-timers, especially those who are still working paying jobs from their RVs, but we are quite a bit younger than your typical retirees. So…
We looked at our finances, and agreed that we could live solely on my husband’s military pension.
We looked at our sons and knew that they were independent enough to handle not having a bricks & sticks house to return to.
We looked at our parents and saw two healthy and vital couples who not only don’t need assistance, but who continue to inspire us with their own travel adventures.
We looked at our own health, and decided that returning to our home base of San Antonio every 6 months for Emily’s breast cancer follow-up exams would not be a problem (I’m doing really well, and halfway to that magical 5 years cancer-free pronouncement!).
And finally, we looked at a map of the United States and said, “We’d better get going. That’s a lot of ground to cover, and the time is now.”

One of our favorite and most unique adventures was during an RV visit
 to Washington State over Christmas 2015. 
We hiked out to Cape Flattery, the northwestern point of the contiguous US. 
We are standing on the top left corner of our country! Tatoosh Island is behind us, just off the coast.


What state or RV park is your favorite place to visit?
We love state parks, in whatever state we happen to be in, and we choose them over private RV parks as often as possible.
Our second choice is usually a military base RV park. They don’t tend to be all that scenic, but because of my husband’s service, we have the option, and the price is right! We use the web site militarycampgrounds.us to help us find them, and we encourage other active duty and retired families to take advantage of this unique benefit!

Where is one place you are wanting to RV to?
Alaska. Hoping to make that a Summer 2017 destination.

What is one tip for anyone RVing, whether it is a weekend getaway or for the Full-Timers?
Check your lug nuts before you roll — every time. (See question 10)

Describe the RV Lifestyle in 3 words or phrases: Travel, opportunity, freedom

What is your favorite thing to cook over the fire or in the RV kitchen?
Wow. I’m not sure I have a favorite, but I use our bread machine and slow cooker several times a week, so to us, they are appliances worth the weight and space they take up. While writing this, I’ve got buffalo chicken in the slow cooker, to be be shredded and rolled up in lettuce wraps for a healthy dinner later.

What is your most memorable RV experience?
In January of 2016, we were heading south on I-5 in Oregon when one of our RV tires fell off!
Here’s the thing: when you’re driving a truck and 5th wheel that together are 60 feet long, weigh about 12 tons, and have ten tires, you don’t feel it when a tire falls off.
Luckily my husband, who was driving at the time, noticed it in the side mirror, and had the following two thoughts: 1. Hey, there’s a tire rolling down the median behind us, and 2. Ohmygod that’s our tire!
We then spent seven hours on the shoulder, waiting for roadside assistance to show up and get the job done (it took more than one trip, and a lot of work).  
I wrote about this misadventure on our blog: adventure, but uh, there’s a lot of swearing involved. Sorry. It was kind of a stressful day.


This photo says a lot about the full-time RV lifestyle: there are always repair work and maintenance issues to address. I’m lucky to have a handy husband, who, as you can see is not afraid to tackle these jobs himself (with occasional less-than-enthusiastic help from me).

What makes the RV Lifestyle special and a different way to travel?
For us, because we’ve chosen to make our RV our one and only home, it means being able to streamline our lives and carry around only what we need in order to be comfortable. We have fewer material possessions to take care of, which means we have time to do more things. Own less; do more. See what I did there?

Connect with Emily & Tim on Social Media:

Thank you Emily for sharing on how you personalize the RV Lifestyle!
Stay tuned for our next RV Lifestyler. If you want to be featured, please visit
"Want to be an RV Lifestyler?," where it will provide more information!


RV Cooking: My Fav Food Bloggers

I wanted to share some of my favorite food bloggers and cooks with you all. It can be difficult to figure out what to make for snacks, lunches or meals for you and the family in your RV! Or, maybe you want to learn how to make the same thing, but switch it up.
 Sure, you have your favorites and your go-to's, but it's nice to try new things.

Some rely on cookbooks, some go to Pinterest. Others go online and follow food bloggers. Whatever it is, I'm sharing a few resources for you that you can use while RVing.

I learn a lot from my mom, but also like to try different resources here and there too!


Image result for the kitchen food network
     I love The Food Network Channel! This show is not only entertaining, but they create EASY snacks and meals for you. They incorporate real life problems and situations...whether it is making meals for picky eaters, children or entertaining with friends and family. They address issues and problem solve within their meals. Not to mention, they hit on the classic picnic meals, formal dining or that tasty afternoon snack! You should check out their site and save some of their recipes. I'm sure you may recognize some of these famous chefs too. They are a hilarious bunch!

Pizza Parlor Grilled Cheese
Photo Credit: Food Network Channel

    Let me get this out of the way....one of my guilty pleasure shows is The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. Yes, I said it. Ok, Shay's brother is Sean Lowe, who you may have seen as a contestant on the show and eventually became The Bachelor. Long story short, I came across Shay through the show and saw she has this Lifestyle/Food blog, where she posts all her recipes and meal plans. She also has some cookbooks too! I have one of them and can't wait for her new one to come out. I've made a few of her meals and they are so easy and tasty! Shay has children and is a busy mom, but she makes it a priority to put a meal on the table for dinner. Her food blog is a MUST to check out and create her meals. (Photo Credit: Shay Shull)

Above, is a photo of Shay's Sausage, Mushroom and Kale pasta I made this week. SO. GOOD. 
The best part is that it had a healthy dose of a protein, veggies and I got that carb fix! I used Pork Sausage and swapped the Kale for some Spinach.

I love that you can "Mix & Match" her recipes and ingredients.


image description
 I also love watching The Cooking Channel. I'm throwing it back to the Saved By The Bell days...with Tiffani Thiessen! She has a show on TCC called Dinner at Tiffani's. She makes practical meals for the occasion and they are full of heart and soul. It is my mission to make her game day chicken wings this fall! Check out her tasty meals for the family. Below, is a recipe Tiffani has of some Chili & Cornbread...COOKED OVER THE OPEN FIRE! RVers, she gets it.

These are just a few of my favorites to watch and try their recipes. 
Make sure you visit their sites and follow them on social media! 


RV Cooking: Mango Pico De Gallo

If you're anything like me, you just love anything and everything MEXICAN FOOD!

I don't believe in "Taco Tuesday," because I think tacos can and should be consumed any day and everyday. So, I bought some Mango Pico at the store and fell in love. I thought I'd recreate it and make it myself, that way I can have it whenever.

This is perfect to dip some tortillas in, top your taco or add it into a salad! I pretty much treat it like Summertime in your mouth year round. 

This is the perfect fix for your sweet, savory and spicy cravings.

The recipe I used was from Group Recipes, however, 
I tweaked it a little and added my own personal flare to it. 

Grocery List:
1 bunch of cilantro
3 roma tomatoes
1/4 c. of red onion
1/2 tsp of salt
1 serrano or poblano pepper
1 ripe mango

Dice the veggies as fine or chunky as you want it. Lightly toss it altogether. You can let it sit in the fridge so the flavors marinate together, or dig in!

Dip it with the chip or top on the taco and salad and you're done.

I squeezed fresh lime juice in it, and used red and white pepper, to equal the 1/4 cup. It adds more color and tones down the red onion. I typically tweak all recipes and add or eliminate certain ingredients to suite my liking.

I think I will add some fresh peaches in there next time? That may be a good idea if your mango ends up not being sweet enough or has enough flavor. Michigan doesn't always get good mangos, so it's always hard to depend on a good one! 

Wouldn't this be the best on top of your taco themed hobo pies this Labor Day?!


RV Like A Dog

One of my favorite reasons why I love the RV Lifestyle is the fact that I can bring my furry friends! My family has two Cavalier King Charles Spaniel girls...who I will say, are a bit diva! I mean, they are cute and sweet, but very particular when RVing. ;D 

They love being in the dirt and chasing birds, but they most importantly love to sit on your lap or on a plush blanket. They prefer the air conditioning in the RV, the king bed, and the big front seat to get the best view. I mean, dogs are a girls best friend and I don't blame them. They like to embrace the RV Lifestyle just like my family and I.

I think I have every right to spoil the little pooches, right?!

Lilly to the left and Sophie to the right.

That being said....RV Like A Girl is here to share my favorite finds that are all things RVing. 
I came across these handmade and ADORABLE pet RV beds!!!


Below are a few of my favorites from Judson Beaumont Straight Line Designs Inc.

He has many styles to choose from! 

Straight Line Design

Seriously,  HOW CUTE.
My little Lilly and Sophie need one of these!

These are recommended for dogs 20 pounds and under. The dog trailers are perfect for  sunny days and to display outside your RV!

Check out his website and LIKE his Facebook page. To order one for you RVin' dog, click the link below!



RV Cooking: Refreshing + Hydrating

Refreshing. Healthy. RV Friendly

Water is one of the most important things you can add to your diet on a hot summer day. Some people find it boring, some find it their go to for a good cleanse and as a refreshing and cooling drink. It is so important to stay hydrated. Here are a few reasons why some extra H2O is so vital to your health.....

1. Flushes out toxins & bacteria
2. Increases energy & relieves fatigue
3. Helps with weight loss
4. Improves your skin and complexion
5. Maintains regularity and boosts immune system

There are many other reasons why water is so good for you, but we wanted to throw out an easy way to mix it up & make water appealing to drink...even for the kids!

F R U I T infused H2O

Add some color into that splash of water.
This is something that even the kids may find fun and want to help you create. Head to the grocery store & make it fun for you and them, and have them help you select select fruits. With many parties, weddings, gatherings, & RV adventures you may have this summer, we are sure that you will find one of these healthy fruit infused water mixtures that you and your guests will love....& find pretty to look at!

What do I need? It's so simple....

Mason Jars/Cups (it looks cuter in jars!)
Favorite Fruit...we suggest lemon & lime, cucumber & mint leaves, blackberries & raspberries & oranges, watermelon & other melons you may like, as basic combinations. We have several recipes listed below.

Fruit infused water can add many more health benefits, when putting select fruit and fresh herbs in your water. It can boost your energy, cleanse you, & much more.

There are so many amazing and refreshing recipes. 
Check out the link below for a few recipes and some inspiration for you to get your healthy on, by creating some fruit infused water combos :)
Thanks to a few blogs we found, we have some Tried & True fruit combos for you to try:

Xo, @RVLikeAGirl

RV Lifestyle: Scentsy RV Decor

Hey RVers!

If you follow me on Instagram (@RVLikeAGirl,) I recently did a Insta snap story and showed you the CUTEST piece of home decor. My mom had received this adorable RV Scentsy warmer from a recent RV business trip. I was going to show you the finished product, when she was finished painting it to match her personal home decor. I will do that in the next week or so :) It turned out so cute!

Here is the link to purchase this. If you personally know a Scentsy Independent Distributor, you can ask them to track it down for you. Otherwise, you can go ahead and purchase it from Christina Osburn's store link! Hers was the first one that popped up when I researched it.

These are great gift ideas or to spruce up your RV or home. This is a perfect excuse to express your love for the RV Lifestyle too! 

Stay tuned to see photos of my mom's finished product! She painted the red part one of my favorite colors!

RV Cooking: Homemade Tortilla Chips

Ladies, we all get the munchies...you know what I mean.

You crave that crispy salty chip or you may have that sweet tooth. 

I typically just go and buy a bag of tortilla chips at the store, but I thought I'd try making some in this convection oven! I know some of you RVers may be hesitant with trying to work a convection oven in your RV. Do not worry! 

I am going to show you how EASY it is to operate. It's takes CONFIDENCE and ACTION!

 Just keep in mind, the more you practice and cook, the more comfortable you will be with using and preparing food in this type of oven. It is a little different than a regular old school oven or microwave, but give it a try!

Tune on in! I also show you how to whip up some tortilla chips.

Watch & make some chips with me! 

(Click the above link!)


RV Cooking: Blueberry + Peach Crisp

"The best of both worlds in one bite!"

Have you ever wondered what it tastes like, to have that fresh homegrown Peach and Blueberry combo?

Well, let me tell you....it is the best of both worlds in one bite!

This is something so easy, you will want to whip up right as you are reading this. You most definitely can cook this in your RV...I know the whole campground will be at your place!

We purchased our fresh peaches 
down the road, at our local peach orchard. 
It is called Summer Sweet Peach Orchard...we make weekly stops there! 

Our blueberries are from Grand Haven. We love Reenders Blueberry Farms. We also make weekly visits there...it's kind of embarrassing. Yes, we buy the 10 pounders! Great for baking and taking a handful and eating.

Peach and Blueberry Crisp
Thank you for this DELICIOUS recipe!

Serves 8

For Fruit:
4 cups fresh peaches, peeled and sliced
1 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 1/2 TBSP cornstarch

For Topping:
6 TBSP butter, melted
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon

1.  Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
2.  In a medium bowl mix together peaches, blueberries, sugar and cornstarch.
3.  Pour fruit into a 7x 10 or 8x8 baking dish.
4.  In the same bowl mix together flour, brown sugar, granulated sugar and cinnamon.
5.  Add in melted butter and mix with a fork.  Mixture will not be completely wet, but more sandy.
6.  Take a handful of topping and press together with your hand.  It should clump up.
7.  Sprinkle mixture over the fruit.  Leave some larger clumps so it stays crispier while baking.
8.  Bake for 30-35 minutes or until topping is lightly golden brown and fruit is bubbling.

9.  Cool for about 15 minutes before serving.  Serve with fresh whipped cream.

My mom and I used a regular oven and noticed it had to be in a little longer than the suggested time. But, as always, it is important to always keep an eye on your food so it doesn't overcook (I am still working on this minor factor when I cook!!)

Keep in mind the different settings if you are using a convection oven. You will just want to keep an extra eye on it and it may need to be less time or maybe longer.

  V o i l a

Enjoy, Glampers!
Another easy recipe to add to your RV Cookbook.