Showing posts with label camping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label camping. Show all posts

"RV Like A Girl "Themed Decor for your Home on Wheels!

Exciting news! Veurinks' RV has stocked up on some cue RV themed decor for your home or RV. It's about time Ladies, right? We can now get excited to shop for the fun items that make great accents in the home or make a great gift idea for the RVer in your life!

These items are exclusively at Veurinks' RV Center. Stop on in to our Camp Store and pick out a fabulous new home accent or a gift for yourself.

We all love a good coffee or tea mug. Check out my last blog post for more information on these mugs! 

"Home on Wheels" Pillow Cover

This pillow cover is one of my favorites! It is black and white and can be thrown into any RV of any shape, size, and color. You will need to purchase a pillow form for it at your local Michaels or Hobby Lobby.


WZZM 13 New's Segment

I had an amazing time out in beautiful Grand Haven, MI. It was a blast showing these ladies this Holiday Rambler.
Click the link below to tune in!

Watch Now: 

Mosquito Mason Jar DIY

I don't know about you, but I get bit up so bad while RVing. It doesn't matter how many layers of bug spray or clothes I put on, they love to attack me.

I love DIY projects and using more natural products when I can. I've recently joined the Essential Oils fan club and love using them for a lot of different purposes.

I came across Simple Most and found this neat DIY idea. Not to mention, it's so cute!


The ingredients are simple and won't break the bank. I love Young Living Essential Oils. If you need some oils, I have a few friends that can help you out.


4 mason jars (or old pasta sauce or jelly jars)
40 drops – Cedarwood, Lavender, Lemon and Thieves essential oils (or use your own combination of oils but these are known to help to repel the buggies)
2 fresh lemons
2 fresh limes
8 sprigs fresh rosemary
Floating tea light candles

These are so cute and will do the trick. I can't wait to make one of these. 
Thanks Simple Most for this cute and creative idea!


Get connected with RV Like A Girl:

Instagram: @RVLikeAGirl
Facebook: RV Like A Girl

RV Like A Girl Approved RV Games

I've picked out the top yard games that are Family Friendly and RV Like A Girl approved.

There are times when being stuck inside when it's raining out can get old, after you play the same game over and over.

These games are ones you may even have at home and play in your backyard. They are perfect to enjoy out in the sunshine...gather the ladies and kick off your Girl's Glamping trip now!

These games are all easy and compact and you can store it in your RV storage compartments!


This game is a classic and most people can catch on to this game pretty fast. If you have never seen this before or want to learn how to play, click and watch! 
Add this game to your list to play this Summer.



This is a fun and competitive game. It takes skill and practice. Did you see the new Illuminate edition? You can play this game in the dark at night with your friends too!
The Veurinks' RV staff LOVE this game.



The classic corn hole is always a good idea. This one is fun to gather your friends around your RV site and play the afternoon away. They always make some fun patterns or themes to fit you and your liking!


This is a new game on the market. You may have seen it on Shark Tank! This looks like one that is great for the competitive ones out there. Pack it up and take it wherever you go.

Here is how you play: 


I don't know about you, but I have a little competitiveness in me. These games are a fun way to spend time with those you love or are entertaining for the weekend.


Spring RV Snack Ideas

Who else loves the Spring and Summer foods? I love all the fruits that are in season during these months. I also like the veggies, fresh salads, and anything and everything cooked on the grill!

Here are a few tasty food ideas to remember as you may be going on your first RV trip of the season.

Let's take a moment and thank Pinterest and these bloggers. I get all my ideas from them!

Veggie Loaded 7 Layer Dip

Excuse me, while I just got back from a trip to Guatemala. This looks like something we would have! Ahhh, I love the veggies and Mexican elements mixed in! Dip chips, throw on salads, or eat alone.


I'm smoothie obsessed. I love throwing in fruits and different ingredients to make a healthier snack or meal option! Thanks Williams Sonoma.

Apple Spinach Salad

I've been making this salad non stop lately, but I use strawberries instead of apples to switch it up! So good and fresh tasting. This is a great lunch or even quick snack option...loaded with all the veggies! I also throw some fresh avocado on it too!

I'm ending it with this last camping sweet treat...

RITZ Peanut Butter S'mores

Seriously. Melt in your mouth. Try this one next time you're around the campfire!

Happy RV Season!

Fixer Upper: RV Reno | Tin Can Homestead

By now, you should know my love for all things vintage, 
mixed with that modern style, and a hint of rustic elements.

When it comes to RV Renos, the ideas and inspiration is endless! There are so many fun ways to vamp up your older RV and make it feel more like home. 

Well, this RV Reno is one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITES. 

This one...I mean, I am still in awe of how perfect it is. I shared it with you over on Instagram and you all were just as in love with it as I am! The style, the color palette, the freshness of the end result is so on point. Can I rent it out? I would have so much fun doing photo shoots with my dogs....ok, don't lie, you would too.

Meet The Tin Can Homestead. I am giving you a quick glance into their renovated Airstream. This is just a teaser, as I am going to direct you over to their actual Instagram page.

All sorts of adorable. 
This just screams, "let's have brunch outside and sip something to drink." 
The patio, umbrella, plants...everything.
...it illustrates the relaxation that the RV Lifestyle delivers.

The plants, tile, rustic and minimal accents. Nailed it.

....I'm just picturing my little Sophie and Lilly in this tin can. So cute!

Natasha does handmade pottery. Seriously, I want it all!
Check out her gorgeous products: SHOP

Um, matte gold, greens, and all the white....I just fainted.

Kitchen Essentials. 
They must be really good at keeping plants alive...I struggle in that department. I'd have to go with the fake plants and succulents at Hobby Lobby and Michaels.

Give me it all. I love the textures, fresh nature, and minimal approach to this. It definitely shows off the character and style in this photo. 

Many RVers can't always wrap their minds around being able to really personalize and style their RV. Find and bring in elements that represent you and your personality. Fresh plants, textured pillows, and decor that reflects who you are. 

If you are stuck in this boat, go on pinterest or follow other RVers and home decor enthusiasts on Instagram. You can get so many ideas, without always having to break the bank!
...speaking of, we have some exciting things coming your way at 
Veurinks' RV in our Camp Store Boutique! Stay tuned.

Everything about this.

....that's just a peek inside their Airstream. 

I encourage you to get inspired with Brett & Natasha's space and follow their journey! I am so in love with their sense of style and way they do the RV Lifestyle...in Airstream form. You can see their before photos on their Insta page and drool even more.

P.S: Brett & Natasha...please trek on over to Grand Rapids, MI so I can see this baby in real life!


RV Like A Girl Themed Mugs

Ladies...listen up. 

I mean...

How cute?

It's so practical for you, as an RVer enthusiast! Brew some coffee, steep some tea...it's a must have. If you are an RV Lifestyler or love any and all things RVing...this is a no brainer.

My family's RV Dealership, Veurinks' RV, is now offering these trendy Glamping mugs. If you are local in Grand Rapids, MI, you can stop buy and visit Kim in our Camp Store and pick one up....or a few up. Many women have buying more than one, as gifts or as a 4 piece set. If you ever have visitors over and are enjoying a cup of hot cocoa or tea around the camp fire...you can surprise them with a stylish mug!

There are 4 different colors. I have not had a chance to snap a photo of the yellow mug. But, will get to that soon!

Below are a few samples of some photos I took of the colors we had in stock during our first batch. We are fully loaded and have every color available. These mugs are very popular and sold out in many areas. So, I would jump on it and visit us in Grand Rapids or shop here:

"Starry Night"

"Beary Green"

"Wanderlust White"

I love this shot...give me all the coffee beans! One of my favorite smells.

So, all you RV enthusiasts...pick one up today, to be trendy, as you sip your coffee and share your love of RVing. 

Hmm...now I need to decide which ones I want for myself!


RV Summer Planning Show

Preparing for an RV camping trip takes preparation. 

Have you ever planned a vacation or event, but you planned very last minute and it didn't go out as you would've hoped?

Most RV parks take at least 6 months in advance to plan and book a spot. If you don't, the whole campground is booked before you know it. I tried booking over in Holland for this Summer, and it was booked in my favorite campground.

RV Resort Site: Hearthside Grove in Petoskey, MI

If your RV needs fixing or any maintenance done, that requires planning ahead to schedule for that service to happen. Especially, if you want it finished before that RV Summer vacation you've been waiting for. If you don't schedule ahead, most RV Service Company's don't have many service slots available for you to choose from. It may not happen on your time frame or convenience anymore.

Obviously, planning ahead is a HUGE part of the RVing process. It is a MUST if you want to have a relaxing and enjoyable RV Summer.

Me in Harbor Springs...the water was freezing!

We want to make your RV Summer more enjoyable and at YOUR convenience! We want to help you plan ahead for your RV Summer. Our goal is to ensure you have a successful and smooth RV Summer. The Veurinks' RV Team is your one stop shop for all your RVing needs.

Check out this video on why you need to plan ahead for your RV Summer!

Watch me in an episode of the RV Summer Planning Show
to see your RV Summer Planning Savings!

...which savings will I choose?
Click the link above and find out!


RV with Style

I'm always on the hunt for cute RV/Glamping themed gifts and goods. I have a few local stores near me that carry some fabulous finds. However, I loving coming across new online shops that cater to the RV life as well! I personally am not a fan of the super "cutesy" trailer type of gifts. I like more modern, age appropriate, and classic gifts and gadgets...items that are practical for any age.

I did some browsing and found a few of my must have picks! These make great gift ideas to ANY age, whether it's children or the adults in your life, who love all things Glamping. I've included the sources so you can pick one of these up yourself! 


Yes, please! This tee shirt is so me. As a Graphic Designer, I'm a sucker for graphic tees. This looks so cozy, where I can wear it with comfy clothes or dress it up and be cute! And, because I am so indecisive, I've listed both styles that they offer. Let's be real, I would buy both!

Shop: Thread Tank


How cute is this wood sign? This has a little bit of the rustic touch, mixed with a chic element. You can easily cater it to many different home decor styles!

Shop: Coast & Cane


Do you have a Full Timer in your life? 
Well, this kitchen towel accent is perfect for those who love to cook while on the road. 

Shop: NixandCo


Um, why don't I already own a vintage camper cookie cutter?! I need this in my life. How cute would it be to decorate some cookies in this shape? This is perfect for a party, the holidays, or just because!


I hope these are some resources for you all! 

Stay tuned for other fun RV themed gifts and gadgets I may find. 
I hope my mom is reading this so she can see some future gift ideas ;D


RV Cooking: Fresh Off the Grid

The neat thing about RVing is that you have the option to cook over the fire or in your RV. It's fun to get down and dirty and cook over that open fire. The fresh smell of wood burning and top it off with the smell of the delicious meal or dessert you are cooking.

I came across this wonderful resource called Fresh Off the Grid!
If you prefer more open fire cooking, this is your go to. I think it's fun to switch it up and step outside the luxuries of your RV and have an open fire experience. There are no rules when cooking, while RVing! 

These two have made it more convenient for you and I. I like that they made this resource in a way, where you could customize and use these recipes within the RV Lifestyle too. You could still make these items in your fabulous oven in your RV! Once again, there are no rules when RVing.

I've chosen homemade pizzas and a delicious s'more for you! Quick, easy, tasty, and the kids can get involved. How have I not tried a s'more with fresh berries in it? 

Fresh Off the Grid...you are genius.


Mini pizzas are a great go-to for dinner while RVing. Add whatever toppings you want and you're good to go! Click the link below for the recipe.

Photo Credit: FOTG

Complete Recipe: Campfire Pizza


Finish off the pizza with a tasty treat!

Photo Credit: FOTG

Complete Recipe: Hazelnut Marionberry S'more

There you have it. A simple meal for tonight. Accompany these items with some fresh fruit, a nice drink, and enjoy that RV Lifestyle.


RV Cooking: Mango Pico De Gallo

If you're anything like me, you just love anything and everything MEXICAN FOOD!

I don't believe in "Taco Tuesday," because I think tacos can and should be consumed any day and everyday. So, I bought some Mango Pico at the store and fell in love. I thought I'd recreate it and make it myself, that way I can have it whenever.

This is perfect to dip some tortillas in, top your taco or add it into a salad! I pretty much treat it like Summertime in your mouth year round. 

This is the perfect fix for your sweet, savory and spicy cravings.

The recipe I used was from Group Recipes, however, 
I tweaked it a little and added my own personal flare to it. 

Grocery List:
1 bunch of cilantro
3 roma tomatoes
1/4 c. of red onion
1/2 tsp of salt
1 serrano or poblano pepper
1 ripe mango

Dice the veggies as fine or chunky as you want it. Lightly toss it altogether. You can let it sit in the fridge so the flavors marinate together, or dig in!

Dip it with the chip or top on the taco and salad and you're done.

I squeezed fresh lime juice in it, and used red and white pepper, to equal the 1/4 cup. It adds more color and tones down the red onion. I typically tweak all recipes and add or eliminate certain ingredients to suite my liking.

I think I will add some fresh peaches in there next time? That may be a good idea if your mango ends up not being sweet enough or has enough flavor. Michigan doesn't always get good mangos, so it's always hard to depend on a good one! 

Wouldn't this be the best on top of your taco themed hobo pies this Labor Day?!


RV Like A Girl: EightWest Goes Glamping


Last week, I had the privilege to talk with Rachael Ruiz on a segment of EightWest
I talked about the flexibility within the RV Lifestyle and  how RVing is a new and exciting way to travel. It truly is a way to travel and still have the luxuries of home! Why should you be embarrassed or feel guilty with your house on wheels, while on vacation?!
John, the Business Development Manager at Veurinks' RV Center, gives Rachael and the ladies a taste of the RV Lifestyle in this beautiful RV at Hidden Ridge Campground. 


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) There’s a way you can enjoy the great outdoors without sacrificing luxury. Veurinks’ RV Center is all about the RV lifestyle. That means camping with variety and amenities that keep you comfortable while still being able to enjoy travel.
Veurinks’ has trailers and campers for any lifestyle and budget. Some of the more luxurious options include sleeping space for six to eight people, full-size kitchen appliances, and more than one bathroom.
“Glamping,” or glamorous camping, is the idea behind Mollee Veurink’s blog
 “RV Like A Girl.” She puts the RV experience on social media to help people embrace the RV lifestyle and connect with other RVers across the country.
Veurinks’ RV Center is having its Greatest Fall RV Sales Event Ever from August 29 to September 30. Get at least 25% off on all new in-stock motor homes and the lowest prices in ten years on all luxury four season fifth wheels!
Veurinks’ RV Center
7144 South Division
Grand Rapids, MI



RV Like A Girl: EightWest

Hello RVers!

I had the privilege to do an interview with the ladies of EightWest this morning. Rachael and a few of the hosts had done a Veurinks' RV Glamping/RV Lifestyle taping a few weeks ago and got to experience the RV experience. For my Grand Rapids RVers, the segment airs today at 11 a.m...so tune in to see how the ladies created their own Glamping Experience.

I will be posting the actual video once it becomes available too!


I had so much fun and I was so nervous....but it was a LOT of fun talking about all things 
RV Like A Girl & the RV Lifestyle. 

Rachael Ruiz & I after the interview!


Well, have a wonderful weekend RVing! Are you all ready for your Labor Day RVing and Glamping trips? Remember to use the hashtag #RVLikeAGirl to share how YOU personalize the RV Lifestyle!


RV Like A Dog

One of my favorite reasons why I love the RV Lifestyle is the fact that I can bring my furry friends! My family has two Cavalier King Charles Spaniel girls...who I will say, are a bit diva! I mean, they are cute and sweet, but very particular when RVing. ;D 

They love being in the dirt and chasing birds, but they most importantly love to sit on your lap or on a plush blanket. They prefer the air conditioning in the RV, the king bed, and the big front seat to get the best view. I mean, dogs are a girls best friend and I don't blame them. They like to embrace the RV Lifestyle just like my family and I.

I think I have every right to spoil the little pooches, right?!

Lilly to the left and Sophie to the right.

That being said....RV Like A Girl is here to share my favorite finds that are all things RVing. 
I came across these handmade and ADORABLE pet RV beds!!!


Below are a few of my favorites from Judson Beaumont Straight Line Designs Inc.

He has many styles to choose from! 

Straight Line Design

Seriously,  HOW CUTE.
My little Lilly and Sophie need one of these!

These are recommended for dogs 20 pounds and under. The dog trailers are perfect for  sunny days and to display outside your RV!

Check out his website and LIKE his Facebook page. To order one for you RVin' dog, click the link below!



RV Lifestyle: Take a Picture, It Lasts Longer!

Who is on Instagram? I am! Head on over and let's follow each other's RV Lifestyles. We are building a community of other fellow RVers who share tips, travels and tasty treats while RVing! 

Don't forget to hashtag #RVLikeAGirl to share your experiences and RV Life!

Take a picture, it lasts longer. 


RV Travel: Destinations Across the Country


It’s that time of year, where you can pack up the RV and hit the road. Don't know where to travel during these summer and winter months? Don't worry.

I've narrowed it down to 5 of the Top RV Destinations to RV, by region. I wanted to highlight a few places where you can take your Motorhome and enjoy the sights and sounds of these wonderful places.

Are you ready?

Here's our Top 5 RV Destinations, 
located by region.

1. Midwest: Traverse City, MI

Located in Northern MI, lies a beautiful area, surrounded by water, RV Resorts, cute shops, and delicious local restaurants. Nothing says peaceful and relaxing, than a day at the beach, overlooking the bay that displays the many shades of blue. There are water sport rentals, where you can rent boats, seadoos, and even go para-sailing. The Cherry Festival is held in early July, accompanied by the air show...a great attraction to see! There are delicious places to eat and beautiful scenic routes to take a drive and enjoy the beauty of Pure Michigan. When you need to stop for that tasty treat, we suggest getting some Ice Cream at Moomers!

Did we mention our own Veurinks' RV Sales Team will be in Traverse City over the Fourth of July weekend? We will have a display at the 
Mark it on your calendars and we'll see you there, along with a few of our classy Motorhomes!

Photo Credit: Audigy Group


2. Pacific Northwest: Glacier Bay National Park, AK

Are you adventurous? Well, Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska is the perfect place to RV to. Not only will you get a scenic route through Canada, but it will transition you into the beauty of Alaska and what is has to offer. Whether you like to hike, snap pictures, walk around the villages, or even hop in a helicopter for a sky tour....Alaska has it all. Explore the 3.3 million acres of mountains and glaciers and keep your eye out for some wild animals. Take a boat tour and get up close and personal with wild animals (whales, seals, or bears!) and the nature of the beauty of Alaska. 

Snap a few photos of the giant glaciers and capture the uniqueness of each one. 

Photo Credit: Gary Luhm


3. Gulf Shores, AL in the South

We're taking you down south for that southern lifestyle. With the southern accents, comes that southern charm and delicious food and sandy beaches. Cruise in your RV (with the window's open) and enjoy the smell of the salt water and fresh, warm breeze. There are several delicious local places, Lamberts, being one of them! This local attraction is known for it's fresh and homemade  "throwed rolls" concept. Enjoy some southern food and get a roll or two thrown at you. 

Aside from food, there are plenty of places to shop, including outlet malls. When you aren't shopping, unload your comfy Lafumas or beach chairs form your RV and kick back and read a book, while you listen to the crash of the ocean waves. Gulf Shores, Alabama is a perfect RV destination to live that RV Lifestyle, yet, experience the sights, sounds, and taste of the South.

Photo Credit: Gulf Shores, AL


4. West: Lake Havasu, AZ

Pack your RV and we're off to the West Coast, to Lake Havasu, AZ. Located on the Colorado River, lies a large reservoir that is a famous and major attraction. With many opportunities to get in the water, there are places to rent boats and seadoos to get a little adventurous and cool off. If you have your won boat, then this place is for you! Experience the beach and lake and enjoy a time of fun and laughter.

Enjoy a game of golf, a bike ride, shopping, jeep rides, or even the casino....Lake Havasu has plenty of options to test out. 

Top the day off with a nice bite to eat at the diverse places and types of foods that Arizona has to offer.

Photo Credit: Tour Factory


5. East: Myrtle Beach, SC 

The East Coast is known for the beautiful waters and scenic views. We've added Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on our list of Top RV Destinations. With several places to RV and spend a month enjoying the RV Lifestyle, there are many activities to see and do. Myrtle Beach hosts many outdoor events and festivals that take place here, where you can be a part of. Like some good local eats? The Boogie & BBQ Festival and Little River Blue Crab Festivals are great events for you to check out. 

Enjoy the thrill of renting a banana boat, kayak, seadoos, power jet boats, or even para-sailing. The opportunities for a little water sports are endless. While the men take on a round of golf, the women can take on the shopping malls and outlets that are available. 

Top the day off with a nice dinner and a theater performance to experience the night life.

Or, take a nice walk and watch the sunset go down. Gorgeous.

Photo Credit: Kaleidoscope Adventures


There you have it! We hope you are inspired and visit these beautiful and rich cultured destinations. Let us know if you've been here or plan on RVing to any of these places.